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A 2-Day Experience to Lead into 2021 with Intention // Guided by Intuition

 - January 24th & 25th -

 | 5 pm MST |

Welcome, beloved.


It’s no accident that you’re here, on this page, reading these words. You were divinely guided, not by anything outside of yourself, but something from within led you here. 


You have arrived here for a reason. Something pulled you here. Maybe it told you to click here. Maybe is showed you the way. Maybe you just had a feeling this was the page you were supposed to land on. Maybe you just knew this is where you were meant to be in this moment. 


That guidance, my dear, is your INTUITION

You may be on this page, reading these words and still questioning if you possess the gift of intuition, still doubting your own power and wisdom. 


I’m here to remind you that you are an intuitive being. Yes, you. 

You hold the answers you seek, the clarity you hope for. You are a creation of the Divine, intuition is your God-given gift. By nature, you hold the power of Universal wisdom, the ability to access sacred wisdom. 


Your intuition is not found in a crystal ball or from a fortune teller. Your intuition lives within.

Intuition is the language of your soul.


When you learn how to communicate with your spirit, how to trust the guidance of your own essence, you move through life with purpose and INTENTION.


Intention is infusing meaning into anything you do, say, create. Intention holds a vibration and frequency. 

Intention is choosing to live in co-creation. It's a sacred exchange with the Universe, an act of giving and receiving. 


What if your intentions were guided by your intuition?


What happens when you combine INTENTION and INTUITION?
...When you combine the tangible and the intangible?
...When you merge goals and divine guidance?
...when you blend desire and knowing?
...when you unite the practical with the etheric?


EVERYTHING in your life changes. 
You change. Your energy. Your frequency. Your vibration. 

Are you willing to set this in motion?


EXPERIENCE this alchemy inside Intention & Intuition, a 2-day workshop designed to help you tap into your intuition and ground into intention. 

.: 90-minute live interactive workshop each day with yours truly

.: Deep dive into the Intuitive Archetypes


.: Create intentions that will anchor you into your mission


How to...


  • Learn the language of your soul 

  • Harness the power of your intuition

  • Anchor into an intention that transforms your life

  • Embody your intention and infuse it into your everyday routines/rituals/tasks/practices

  • Identify your intuitive blocks

  • Get clear on your purpose 


* This is not your average Zoom meeting! Powerpoints and lectures aren't my style. Be prepared to dive right in and get intimate with the group, and with yourself. For, in the end, YOU are your greatest teacher. 

**There will not be a recorded version of this workshop for sale at this time. If you are registered you will receive the recordings from both days.

Inside Intention & Intuition:

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Claim Your Space Inside Intention & Intuition

Admit 1 // 2-Day Pass

Pay In Full

Admit 1 // 2 Day Pass

2 Payments of $60

Admit 2 // 2-Day Pass

Soul Sister Pass - bring a friend

2 Spaces for $176

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